David Mallipudi


David Mallipudi

Missionary to India

Need: $38,500

My name is David Mallipudi. I was born in India to a Christian family. My Father pastored a church and would visit neighboring villages to preach the gospel in the evenings. He was able to reach a lot of villages and plant many churches.

I was saved when I was 13 years old, on May 5, 1960, in a youth retreat. I realized that I was a sinner and accepted Jesus as my Savior. I felt great peace in my heart. Then I was baptized one month later on June 10th at a near by river.

Since that time I started helping my dad riding the rickshaw (a local transportation), going into the nearby villages, and spreading the gospel. The same year we were able to start a new church among the Hindus. That was a big step, because Hindus do not like Christians.

Then in 1970 God opened the door for me to come to the United States of America. I would eventually get my U.S. citizenship. After coming to the United States, I would send money to my dad for the gospel work in India and helped a lot of churches, youth retreats, Sunday school rallies, gospel crusades and conventions.

In 1990 my dad went to his heavenly home. I started in a new area of ministry planting churches and helping the evangelists. Now we have planted about 12 churches and are helping a total of 14 evangelists. There are three students in Bible school preparing for the ministry.

Every year I spend my vacation time on the mission field of India. God has now put a greater burden in my heart, to plant more churches, and spend the rest of my life for the extension of His kingdom to save more souls in India.

In 2007 God called us to full time service to plant churches and children ministry. Last January we had VBS and we had over 600 children.

David Mallipudi BBFI Missionary to India

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Thank you,
Bob Hines

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